Part One
بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
قُلْ أُوحِيَ إِلَيَّ أَنَّهُ اسْتَمَعَ نَفَرٌ مِّنَ الْجِنِّ فَقَالُوا إِنَّا سَمِعْنَا قُرْآنًا عَجَبًا ﴿1﴾ يَهْدِي إِلَى الرُّشْدِ فَآمَنَّا بِهِ ۖ وَلَن نُّشْرِكَ بِرَبِّنَا أَحَدًا ﴿2﴾ وَأَنَّهُ تَعَالَىٰ جَدُّ رَبِّنَا مَا اتَّخَذَ صَاحِبَةً وَلَا وَلَدًا ﴿3﴾ - الجن
Speak ! Once the revelation came to me, some of the Hidden Power listened to that. Then they said; We have heard the Qur'an. Indeed , it sounds very strange and amazing. It guides to development and progress. So we believed in that and we will never have something beside our Lord , at all . He is really The Highest Supreme. He is indeed our Lord who has neither taken someone as His father nor as His child !
The Hidden Power - 1 to 3
This is a work which for the first time in the history of Islam discusses the controversial topic of Re-incarnation, in a scientific method, based on the Holy Qur'an.
In this unique work I will prove, through a scientific meaning and definition, that not only the Holy Qur'an teaches the Re-incarnation, but also the Holy Qur'an is the only Divine Book, that brings up this belief, in a wide and profound and powerful scale. No other Ancient Divine Books, like the Holy Vedas of Hinduism discussed the belief of Re-incarnation in the same way!
In other words, not only the belief of Re-birth exists in the Holy Qur'an , but Re-birth is a significant characteristic of the Holy Qur'an, in comparison with ALL other original Divine Books!
Re-incarnation means re-birth of human beings physically after death through the same biological mechanism as it took place at our birth. Other eventual definitions of Re-incarnation are irrelevant here.
Most Muslim theologians and thinkers rejected the belief of Re-incarnation as an UN-Islamic belief. However, my work is based on a new understanding of the unique language of the Holy Qur'an. The Holy Qur'an is not only the new book of Divine Revelation, but it is also a new language which is not yet understood.
People in general see the Qur'an as a holy text in the Arabic language. However, this is only the background of the truth. On this background, the Holy Qur'an created a new and unique language which the Arabs as well as the foreigners need to understand. It would be very naive to think that the Arabs understand the Arabic Qur'an better. In fact, before the Holy Qur'an we ALL, including Arabs, were foreigners!
This new and unique language of the Holy Qur'an would be a new subject of linguistics. A comprehensive investigation of this new and unique language would lead to a new understanding of the Holy Qur'an and probably new discoveries of truths within it.
This is the first part of a serial of articles concerning this controversial topic. This work is actually a brief of a comprehensive researching of Re-incarnation in the Holy Qur'an which I 've done in my mother language , Persian or Farsi. This never - ending research is still going on and by the Grace of Allah I will return with new updates in the near future.
Reza Asgharzadeh
The Hidden Power - 1 to 3
This is a work which for the first time in the history of Islam discusses the controversial topic of Re-incarnation, in a scientific method, based on the Holy Qur'an.
In this unique work I will prove, through a scientific meaning and definition, that not only the Holy Qur'an teaches the Re-incarnation, but also the Holy Qur'an is the only Divine Book, that brings up this belief, in a wide and profound and powerful scale. No other Ancient Divine Books, like the Holy Vedas of Hinduism discussed the belief of Re-incarnation in the same way!
In other words, not only the belief of Re-birth exists in the Holy Qur'an , but Re-birth is a significant characteristic of the Holy Qur'an, in comparison with ALL other original Divine Books!
Re-incarnation means re-birth of human beings physically after death through the same biological mechanism as it took place at our birth. Other eventual definitions of Re-incarnation are irrelevant here.
Most Muslim theologians and thinkers rejected the belief of Re-incarnation as an UN-Islamic belief. However, my work is based on a new understanding of the unique language of the Holy Qur'an. The Holy Qur'an is not only the new book of Divine Revelation, but it is also a new language which is not yet understood.
People in general see the Qur'an as a holy text in the Arabic language. However, this is only the background of the truth. On this background, the Holy Qur'an created a new and unique language which the Arabs as well as the foreigners need to understand. It would be very naive to think that the Arabs understand the Arabic Qur'an better. In fact, before the Holy Qur'an we ALL, including Arabs, were foreigners!
This new and unique language of the Holy Qur'an would be a new subject of linguistics. A comprehensive investigation of this new and unique language would lead to a new understanding of the Holy Qur'an and probably new discoveries of truths within it.
This is the first part of a serial of articles concerning this controversial topic. This work is actually a brief of a comprehensive researching of Re-incarnation in the Holy Qur'an which I 've done in my mother language , Persian or Farsi. This never - ending research is still going on and by the Grace of Allah I will return with new updates in the near future.
Reza Asgharzadeh
The Final Proof of Re-birth in the Holy Qur'an
Part 1
The First Wisdom
Never deny !
The First "Denial"
The first one who was in denial, was Iblis, the Father of satans !
One of the topics which is brought up at the top of the list of the Islamic debates, is the idea of Re-incarnation or Re-birth.
As it has always been, the Muslims are divided on this subject; some believe in Re-incarnation and some others reject it. Because "denial", is something very sensitive in Islam, let's deal with it right here.
In order to "deny" something you have to have "knowledge". Because the word implies something "negative", there is a risk you might miss something important in your life and lose something which belongs to you.
If you don't have the knowledge about an idea and yet deny that, it would be considered "Ignorance" or Jaheliyateh ( جاهلیته ). And the task of Muhammad was to guide humanity from Ignorance to Knowledge . That's why "Denial" is very sensitive in Islam.
و تقولون بافواهکم ما لیس لکم به علم و تحسبونه هینا و هو عند الله عظیم
النور - 15
And you are saying with you mouths something you don't have any knowledge about and you think it is negligible , whereas with Allah it is of tremendous importance.
The Light-15
On the contrary, it's not necessary to have "knowledge" in order to believe in something. Because it is something "positive" and you don't lose anything by believing it. Rather you gain something.
So this is about choosing between "to lose" or "to win" . To be sure you don't lose anything, you have to choose "to win". This is wisdom of staying open-minded.
That's why in order to believe in something, the all you need is "trust". You must have "trust" in your life, otherwise you will eventually be a "loser". How can we win by losing "trust" in our life?! It's already lost. This is a clear contradiction.
So this is about choosing between "to lose" or "to win" . To be sure you don't lose anything, you have to choose "to win". This is wisdom of staying open-minded.
That's why in order to believe in something, the all you need is "trust". You must have "trust" in your life, otherwise you will eventually be a "loser". How can we win by losing "trust" in our life?! It's already lost. This is a clear contradiction.
و العصر ان الانسان لفی خسر الا الذین امنوا و عملوا الصالحات
العصر - 1 الی 3
On The Age (these words), surely Mankind is a loser except those who believe and do good actions
The Age-1 to 3
The Age-1 to 3
It's about your choice!
Many Muslims don't believe in Re-incarnation, because it does not exist in Islam or in the Qur'an. They may be right in claiming that Re-incarnation doesn't exist. However, the idea of Re-incarnation does exist.
Now I have some questions to my fellow Muslims who either don't believe in Re-incarnation, or are in doubt about it.
Do you like this idea of "Re-birth" or not ?! Would you like to be re-born in order to have another chance and opportunity to develop spiritually in your journey to Allah or not ? Do you think you need another life after this one? Are you happy for not believing in "Re-birth" and even rejecting it, or do you feel sorrow about it ?!
If the answer is "no", then it means that the idea of "Rebirth" would not be good for you. So you wouldn't like to find it in the Qur'an. Because it would eventually mean the Qur'an is not good for you. Wouldn't it?
You may say; it's not about me! It's not about what I like or wish. It is just that such a thing like Re-incarnation doesn't exist in the Qur'an , and I, as a Muslim have to follow the teachings of the Qur'an.
But would you like that "Re-birth" is true in Islam or not ? Did you wish it existed in the Qur'an or not?
If the answer is "no", then you might be right. Your answer is very important. Simply because you cannot find something in the Qur'an you don't want to find, and you even guide your mind to find the opposite.
You want to follow what the Qur'an says. But what is more important; to follow the Qur'an or follow your Heart ?
Remember in order to follow the Qur'an you followed your Heart first. Otherwise you would never follow the Qur'an. In other words, your Heart told you and guided you to follow the Qur'an. So your Heart got a desire towards the Qur'an. And at this time you were ready to receive it. The verse below describes your condition too ;
نزل به الروح الامین علی قلبک
الشعراء - 193 , 194
The Holy Spirit has sent it (the Qur'an) down to your Heart.
The Poets - 193 to 194
So it 's about your Heart . And it is about YOU now and forever. Even at the Final Destination, YOU are The Center;
و ان الی ربک المنتهی
النجم - 42
And surely the Final Destination will be YOUR God.
The Shining Star - 42
YOUR God and YOUR position in the verse is at the CENTER , between God and the Final Destination. It means finally , finally He is YOURS !
You pray to Allah and ask Him for EVERYTHING and you expect Him to listen to you and respond ALL your asking as if He is YOUR Servant.
Now if you didn't have a Heart, you would not have God either. If you didn't have a Heart you wouldn't like to WANT . So everything you want which is really good for you, it is because of your pure Heart. Because you ARE your Heart, your ears are your Heart, your eyes are your Heart, your tongue is your Heart, your thinking is your Heart.
That's why the Holy Qur'an teaches us to listen through the Heart, see through the Heart, talk through the Heart, understand through the Heart and even think through the Heart; as the following verses denote;
و نطبغ علی قلوبهم و فهم لایسمعون
الاعراف - 100
And We closed their Hearts so that they cannot hear!
فانها لاتعمی الابصار و لکن تعمی القلوب
الحج - 46
No,their eyes are not blind. But because of their Hearts, are blind!
یقولون بالسنتهم ما لیس فی قلوبهم
الفتح - 11
They are saying things which doesn't come through their Hearts!
فهم قلوبهم لایفقهون بها
الاعراف - 179
So they have such a Heart that they cannot understand by it !
لهم القلوب یعقلون بها
الحج - 46
Also they have such a Heart that they cannot think wisely by it !
And finally the best and most reliable way is to experience by Heart;
ما کذب الفؤاد ما رای افتمارونه علی ما یری
النجم - 11 ,12
The Heart doesn't lie what it sees . Do you dispute with him (Muhammad) over what he saw by his Heart ?!
The Shining Star - 11 to 12
So, of course the idea of Re-birth is about YOU and YOUR Heart. What I am trying to say is ; don't tell what Islam and the Qur'an says. That is just excuses. Non of them is YOU. However, both of them are the reflections of YOUR needs. Listen to the Qur'an;
ما یرید الله لیجعل علیکم من حرج و لکن یرید لیطهرکم و لیتم نعمته علیکم لعلکم تشکرون
المائده - 6
Allah doesn't want YOU to be in troubles and difficulties. However, He wants to purify you. That's why He has fulfilled and completed His blessings to you . Maybe you will be thankful !
The Table spread with foods - 6
If you never have another chance here, then you are probably in trouble now and after! So it is ABOUT YOU!
Besides without another chance to be born, the blessings of Allah are NOT fulfilled and completed. This is ABOUT YOU to be completely purified. So do YOU want to be completely purified or not? If your answer is "yes" and you think that it should be so, as a perfect human being, then you have these verses. Because, the Qur'an is the reflection of your needs on the spiritual path. Otherwise you should NOT be thankful !
و اتیکم من کل ما سالتموه و ان تعدوا نعمت الله لاتحصوها ان الانسان لظلوم کفار
ابراهیم - 34
And He has already given you EVERYTHING you ask for! And you cannot count the total number of blessings from Allah, if you wish to do that. Indeed, Man is an unjust disbeliever and very ungrateful.
Abraham - 34
So Allah has already given you what YOU need BEFORE asking for. Also here, it is ABOUT YOU! And YOUR needs and what YOU are asking for.
Forgiveness or Re-incarnation ?
However, you may say Allah will forgive us all and we don't need to come back to this earthy life again, in order to be purified. In other words, what we need is, His Love and Forgiveness, and there , in the verses above, we've got it!
Wrong again! First of all, listen here;
اطلع الغیب ام اتخذ عند الرحمن عهدا
مریم - 78
How do you know about The Unknown World ?! Did you make an agreement with the God about it ?!
Mary - 78
و منهم امیون لایعلمون الکتاب الا امانی و ان هم الا یظنون فویل للذین یکتبون الکتاب بایدیهم ثم یقولون هذا من عند الله لیشتروا به ثمنا قلیلا...و قالوا لن تمسنا الا ایاما معدوده قل اتخذتم عند الله عهدا فلن یخلف الله عهده
البقره - 78 الی 80
And there are among them, those who know nothing about the Divine Book but their desires and they are not doing anything but imagining falsely. It is a serious claim of those who are writing their OWN books and then say ; that is from Allah! In this way they are lowering the value of His words and sell them cheaply...And they said ; "The Fire will not touch us except for a couple of days !"
Ask them; did you make an agreement with Allah, the One Who never breaks any promise?!
The Cow - 78 to 80
Secondly, are you sure you have understood the Forgiveness of Allah correctly? His Forgiveness is in various and different ways. One of them is to give another chance of earthly life in order to be FORGIVEN forever. Because His Love and Forgiveness is a practical process of purifying and progressing. Forgiveness doesn't mean Ignoring.
In the training of your children you forgive their mistakes and you forgive them, in order to repeat the training. Why? Because you love them. You want them to develop.
Or, once your child gets dirty by a mistake, you forgive her. But it doesn't mean you don't need to give her a bath. You want her to be clean. Because you love your child and you love cleanliness.
Similarly Allah forgives ALL of our mistakes, but NOT our wrong-doings which means actions with wrong intentions from the Heart;
لایواخذکم الله باللغو فی ایمانکم و لکن یواخذکم بما کسبت قلوبکم و الله غفور حلیم
البقره - 225
Allah will not judge you by your mistakes in your faith. But He will judge you because of what your Hearts have gained. And Allah is Most Forgiving and Most Tolerant.
The Cow - 225
By the way, where did you get that idea from?! From the Qur'an?! Then, let's have a look at it;
و یقولون سیغفرلنا و ان یاتهم عرض مثله یاخذوه الم یوخذ علیهم میثاق الکتاب ان لایقولوا علی الله الا الحق و درسوا ما فیه و الدار الاخره خیر للذین یتقون افلا تعقلون
الاعراف - 169
And they are repeatedly saying; we will be forgiven soon! And they want to take whatever comes to them in this world. Didn't they make an agreement with The Book that they never say anything about Allah, but the truth, and learn from its content ?! And the Final Residence is much better for those who hold on to the Spiritual Self-Discipline firmly. Don't you think wisely ?!
Those Known - 169
انی لغفار لمن تاب و امن و عمل صالحا ثم اهتدی
طه - 82
I am indeed forgiving, again and again, but only for the one who has repented (and returned to Me) and has faith and has done good actions and then, afterwards s/he is guided
Taha - 82
الا من تاب و امن و عمل عملا صالحا فاولئک یبدل الله سیئاتهم حسنات و کان الله غفورا رحیما
الفرقان - 70
Only those who are repentant (and have returned to Allah) and have faith and do good actions, Allah will change them and replace their bad attributes by good attributes and (this is the meaning of) Allah is Forgiving and Most Merciful
The Criterion - 70
ربنا فاغفرلنا ذنوبنا و کفر عنا سیئاتنا و توفنا مع الابرار
آل عمران - 193
Those who pray; Our Lord forgive our sins and remove our bad attributes and let us DIE together with the Abrar (those illumined souls mentioned in the Qur'an who attained the highest spiritual realization)
The Family of Imran - 193
افما نحن بمیتین الا موتتنا الاولی و ما نحن بمعذبین ان هذا لهو الفوز العظیم
الصافات - 58 الی 60
(The Abrar happily said) ;Will we not die anymore after our previous dead ? And will we not suffer any more either ? This is indeed THAT! The Great Victory!
Those Ranged in Ranks - 58 to 60
ان الحسنات یذهبن السیئات ذلک ذکری للذاکرین
هود - 114
Indeed, the good actions remove the bad actions. This is a remembrance to those who are always living in remembrance!
Hood - 114
A good example is, despite Allah forgiving the prophet Adam, yet He sent him back to the earthy life again;
قالا ربنا ظلمنا انفسنا و ان لم تغفرلنا و ترحمنا لنکونن من الخاسرین قال اهبطوا بعضکم لبعض عدو ولکم فی الارض مستقر و متاع الی حین قال فیها تحیون و فیها تموتون و منها تخرجون
الاعراف - 23 الی 25
They (Adam and Eve) prayed; Our Lord we have harmed ourselves and if You don't forgive us and don't give us Your Love and Grace, surely we will be among those losers !
(after forgiving) He said; move down ! Parts of you will be as enemies to each other and you will be established on the earth for a while. THERE you will be given life and THERE you will die and THERE you will be brought again.
Those Known - 23 to 25
Now when Allah treated his own prophet in that way, how come He will treat us in a different way ?!
Thirdly, Allah doesn't give or forgive anything without testing. The Test of Allah is a basic teaching in the Qur'an. Test is probably the most important spiritual training in our spiritual development.
و بلوناهم بالحسنات و السیئات لعلهم یرجعون
الاعراف - 168
And We shall test them with both good things and bad things in order to change themselves and return to Us.
Those Known - 168
And even more important is the test of Heart;
امتحن الله قلوبهم للتقوی لهم مغفره
الحجرات - 3
Allah will test their Hearts towards Spiritual Self- Discipline. Forgiveness is for them !
The Dwellings - 3
So the idea that instead of being sent back to the earthly life, Allah will forgive us is a false and man-made idea which is opposite to the Divine Teachings of the Holy Qur'an.
As we saw, in the example of Adam, the inner meaning of Forgiveness is Re-incarnation! Because Forgiveness is about giving another chance to the spiritual development on earth. That's because Allah is the Most Merciful.
So it's all about YOUR choice. To refer to the Qur'an, or Reason and Knowledge, in order to reject Re-incarnation, is just an excuse for hiding YOURSELF, your Heart.
Despite this being true that the Qur'an never rejects Re-birth, you are looking for the rejection of the concept of Re-birth according to the Qur'an! Because you change the Qur'an in your mind in a way to get that answer you like.
و ان منهم لفریقا یلوون السنتهم بالکتاب لتحسبوه من الکتاب و ما هو من الکتاب و یقولون هو من عند الله و ما هو من عند الله و یقولون علی الله الکذب و هم یعلمون
آل عمران - 78
And among you, there are people who change their tongues on reading the Book in a way, as if it were from the Book ! But it is not from the Book , and then they say; this is from Allah ! But it is not from Allah. They create a lie about Allah and they KNOW that.
The family of Imran - 78
The Red Line of Forgiveness
There is a principle in the Qur'an that Allah never forgive anybody and that is called "Sherk" (الشرک) or "Duality" which is against "Unity" or "Tawhid" (التوحید).
ان الله لایغفر ان یشرک به و یغفر ما دون ذلک لمن یشاء
النساء - 48
Surely Allah will never forgive the one who choose ANYTHING beside Him. However, He will forgive the other sins for anyone He chooses, according to His Will.
Women - 48
According to the teachings of Islam, ANYTHING which is put with Allah would be considered Sherk. This is Duality. Even if we believe "God is one" which is The Principle of Tawhid or Unity, provided that "one" means "numeral one". This is Sherk! It means the "number one" already exists with Allah which gives His Identity!
But Allah is The Creator of EVERYTHING, included the number "one". However Allah is "The One". It means He is The Only One which exists. In other words; Everything is Him in the form of His manifestation. This is Tawhid.
So even though there are many gods, however, they are not separated. They ALL are ONE and this "ONENESS" is called Allah.
ء ارباب متفرقون خیر ام الله الواحد
یوسف - 39
Are separated gods better than Allah which is The One.
Yusef - 39
و قال الکافرون هذا ساحر کذاب اجعل الهه الها واحد ان هذا لشئی عجاب
ص - 5
And the disbelievers said; "this man (Muhammad) is a black magician. He has turned all gods to ONE. This is something strange"!
S - 5
انا خلقنا الانسان من نطفه امشاج
الانسان - 2
WE created The human from a mixed semen.
Human -2
I am not saying that Allah will not forgive most of us Muslims because of such a misunderstanding. What I am trying to say is the concept of Sherk in Islam is a very vast and subtle so that most of us Muslims are infected by Sherk or Duality in different ways. Even though it is about the concept of Tawhid or Unity !
Don't forget that even Mushrekin or those dualists (المشرکین) believed that "God is one" in the Qur'an;
Don't forget that even Mushrekin or those dualists (المشرکین) believed that "God is one" in the Qur'an;
ولئن سالتهم من خلق السموات و الارض لیقولن الله قل افرایتم ما تدعون من دون الله
الزمر - 38
And if you ask them; "who created the heavens and the earth?" They will surely answer; Allah. Speak! (Tell the people); " did you notice what they are calling with Allah?"
The Groups - 38
Another example of Sherk is, if we claim something that Allah, in His Ultimate Book, has never done it , like the rejection and denial of Re-birth !
افغیر الله ابتغی حکما و هو الذی انزل الیکم الکتاب مفصلا
الانعام - 115
Do you seek other than - the words of - Allah (in the Qur'an) for judgement?! Despite He is Who has sent down to you all a Comprehensive Book.
The Blessings - 115
Aisha, the wife of prophet had been asked about what kind of character Muhammad was? She answered; the Qur'an !
That's why Muhammad never denied Re-birth either. This is Qur'anization of Man, i.e, to be in complete unity with the Qur'an.
Another example is, when the angel Gabriel was delivering verses of the Qur'an to Muhammad by starting to say; "Speak!", even Muhammad respond the same; "Speak!". This reflection, is due to the total purity of his soul or nothingness of a mirror;
وما ینطق عن الهو ی ان هو الا وحی یوحی
النجم - 3 الی 4
He never talks after his empty desires. Whatever he says is nothing but the divine revelation.
The Shining Star - 3 to 4
This is the total Surrendering and Unity with Allah, at least, in word and from the tongue. That's why the Qur'an asks the believers for having Muhammad as the best example of being a person surrendered; i.e, a Muslim.
لقد کان لکم فی رسول الله اسوه الحسنه لمن کان یرجوا الله
الاحزاب - 21
Surely the Messenger of Allah is the best example for any of you who are seeking Allah.
The Parties - 21
But those who deny something which neither the Qur'an nor Muhammad has ever done are not surrendered (Muslims) yet. And their denial reveals the impurity in them.
The cycle of birth and faith
If the minority of the Muslim theologians, who believed in Re-incarnation would take over the leading of Muslim community in general, most of those disbelievers of our time, would acknowledge Re-incarnation.
This is because they have surrendered to their fathers and leaders, NOT to Allah which is Sherk or Duality (non-unity) in the Qur'an and it is absolutely unacceptable.
Also, if those disbelievers of Re-incarnation in Islam, would be born in a Muslim community which believed in Re-incarnation, or were born as Hindus and Buddhists, then they would have strong faith in Re-incarnation without questioning it.
This is the importance of the "birth" which most likely and usually determine the thought, belief, faith and fate of human beings.
So they deny Re-incarnation, not because of Islam and the Reason, but because they are born in the wrong place and time to believe in the concept of Re-incarnation.
The whole truth is not that the "birth" may determine the "faith", but even the "faith" may determine the "birth".
Yet human beings always have a choice to change, and change the choice. You see, this is still about YOU.
You may say, "OK", the Qur'an has never denied Re-incarnation, however, it came with an alternative idea of Re-incarnation; the Resurrection. Therefore, you should also consider the idea of Re-incarnation, but don't deny it ! You are always welcome with your ideas but respect the Red Line of the Qur'an , "Denial".
If it would be good to deny it, the Messenger of Allah would have done it before as the best example for us to adapt.
Fathers as Masters
However, those who blindly reject Re-incarnation follow their ancestors and brothers, rather than to follow the Messenger of Allah! Most of these disbelievers of Re-incarnation just follow their religious fathers and brothers or their environment, like the community, family, school, masque and etc., which are also guided by their fathers from the past, without thinking for themselves.
یا ایها الذین امنوا لا تتخذوا ابائکم و اخوانکم اولیاء ان استحبوا الکفر علی الایمان
التوبه - 23
O, you believers don't take your fathers and brothers as your Masters, in case, they love the covering of the truth (disbelief), and deny it rather than to have The Faith.
The Repentance (Returning) - 23
و اذا قیل لهم اتبعوا ما انزل الله قالوا بل نتبع ما الفینا علیه ابائنا او لو کان اباؤهم لایعقلون شئیا و لایهتدون
البقره - 170
البقره - 170
And whenever they were told, "follow what Allah has sent down to you", they told; "Of course, we will follow our fathers". Even though were their fathers neither thinking wisely nor were they guided at all ?!
The Cow - 170
ما کان لبشر ان یوتیه الله الکتاب و الحکم و النبوه ثم یقول للناس کونوا عبادا لی من دون الله ولکن کونوا ربانیین بما کنتم تعلمون الکتاب و بما کنتم تدرسون
آل عمران - 79
آل عمران - 79
Any human being who is given the Book, the Wisdom, Judgement and the Messengers by Allah, has no right to tell people; "follow me as your Master with Allah." Instead, you should be spiritual ones; learning and teaching (directly) from the Holy Book itself.
The family of Imran - 79
Asking question
The Muslim disbelievers of Re-incarnation in Islam, usually ask many questions in order to reject it. However they never ask themselves this question; Where does this denial come from? From Islam? Or from the Qur'an? Or somewhere else outside them? Are we followers of Islam and the Qur'an, or something else?
They think, by asking so many questions, they are right. But they are wrong because of them! For most of their questions are miss-understandings or wrong-understandings of Re-incarnation and Islam as well.
Don't ask about something you don't know!
This is a strange message of the Holy Qur'an. For we ask a question because of we don't know and want to know about what we are asking of. But the Qur'an teaches the opposite ! Don't ask about something which you don't have knowledge;
فلا تسئلن ما لیس لک به علم
هود - 46
هود - 46
Never ask a question about something you don't have knowledge about!
Hood - 46
This is because to ask a question is something valuable. Therefore, we have to ask the right question. And in order to do that we need to have some knowledge. Wrong questions either have wrong answers or no answers. Whereas the right question is half of the knowledge, as the Messenger Muhammad said.
The many wrong questions by those disbelievers in Re-incarnation , reveal their lack of knowledge about both Re-incarnation and Islam. That makes them become wrong.
One right question is more than a thousands words
The very many questions of those disbelievers also reveals that they are busy with their minds!
و هم یلعبون لاهیه قلوبهم
الانبیاء 2 , 3
الانبیاء 2 , 3
And they are just playing which makes their Hearts to be busy.
The Prophets - 2 to 3
They believe they are thinking. But they are playing. If they are thinking, they should ask only one question, not dozens or hundreds. There is always ONE right question in every topic which can make a BREAK THROUGH.
At the time of Muhammad, someone told Salman of Persian that a man in Mecca claimed that he is the Messenger of God. Salman of Persia asked only one question; What does this man say? He said; There is no god but God ! Then, Salman of Persian answered; It's him!
But look in the Qur'an and read how many questions those disbelievers asked Muhammad and yet, they never believed in him.
ام تریدون ان تسئلوا رسولکم کما سئل موسی من قبل
البقره - 108
البقره - 108
Are you asking questions of your Messenger as Moses was asked before ?!
The Cow - 108
There is a serious risk that asking too many questions, will be a heavy burden to carry on the journey to the Truth, which can be an obstacle and even throw one far away into the darkness.
Because by asking so many questions, it may create a bad habit which eventually harms the Heart.
Ironically the disbelievers of Re-incarnation have never answered this one single question; Why the Holy Qur'an, the Divine Book of the Best Guidance , never denies or rejects the idea of Re-birth ?!
Indeed, even more basic questions remain unanswered like; what will happens to millions of kids in the history who died of different circumstances and they would never experience the earthly life and its tests to move them forward toward spiritual growth?
The answers
There may be questions we cannot answer or don't have the proper answers yet. But it doesn't mean there is no answer to them. Some others, in other places or times, may have had the right answers. Indeed, there are questions about many things in Re-incarnation as well Islam, and also the life in general, which takes a long time to be answered. Some of them we will get answers for after death, and some others, we will not get any answer until we have developed along the spiritual path and reached a certain level of awareness. And finally, some answers we will never know! We just experience it, like Love.
Right answer like right question is a blessing from God. So we also need to pray and have patience. Did those disbelievers of Re-incarnation try to pray to God and ask Him for guidance?
Question to believe
If their intention of asking questions is to learn and know in order to believe, then , that would be even stranger. Because Muhammad never asked a question to the angel Gabriel in order to believe. He just believed in what she told him. Nor the believers asked Muhammad questions in order to believe. They just believed in what he told them.
The only people who asked Muhammad many questions were those disbelievers !
So even in this case those disbelievers of Re-incarnation are in the wrong and on an UN-Islamic way! That means the manner of The Disbelievers is the same as it has ALWAYS been.
بل قالوا مثل ما قال الاولون قالوا ء اذا متنا و کنا ترابا و عظاما ء انا لمبعوثون لقد وعدنا نحن و اباؤنا هذا من قبل ان هذا الا اساطیر الاولین
المومنون - 81 الی 83
المومنون - 81 الی 83
They asked questions like what the first ancient people asked; "once we are dead and turned to dust and stones we will rise up again?! In fact, we and our ancestors have been promised this idea before. Indeed, this is nothing but of Ancient Myths and Legends".
The Believers - 81 to 83
Guidance to faith or by faith ?
Now the question is how to be guided in a faith without having Knowledge about it?! Obviously, we should also ask questions in order to know.
We can also express the question in this way; "Is it Guidance which leads to Faith or Faith leads to Guidance?"
In other words; Should we be guided BY the knowledge, in order to believe in an idea, or should we have to believe and have faith FIRST in order to be guided TO the knowledge?
This is one of the greatest teachings of the Holy Qur'an. Accordingly , we have to have faith in a certain "belief ", in order to be guided to that "belief "!
ان الذین امنو و عملوالصالحات یهدیهم ربهم بایمانهم
یونس - 9
یونس - 9
Surely those who believe and have good actions, their Lord will guide them by their own faith.
Yunus , Jonah - 9
There are plenty verses in the Qur'an which indicate this answer clearly. Like;
انی لغفار لمن تاب و امن و عمل صالحا ثم اهتدی
طه - 82
طه - 82
And I am indeed Forgiving, again and again, only for the one who is repentant (returned) and has faith and good actions. Afterwards s/he will be guided
Taha - 82
کیف یهدی الله قوما کفروا بعد ایمانهم
آل عمران - 86
آل عمران - 86
How can Allah guide those who deny , after having faith before ?
The family of Imran - 86
و الله لایهدی قوم الکافرین
البقره - 264
البقره - 264
And Allah will not guide those disbelievers who cover the truth !
The Cow - 264
The Cow - 264
Denial and Guidance of Heart
These two verses show that disbelief eventually even makes the heart to deny . On the contrary , the belief and faith, will even guide the heart.
فالذین لا یومنون بالاخره قلوبهم منکره
النحل - 22
النحل - 22
Those who don't believe in the "result of their actions in the next life", it is their Hearts which deny it.
The Bee - 22
و من یومن بالله یهد قلبه
التغابن - 11
التغابن - 11
And whoever believes in Allah , He will guide her/his Heart.
Mutual Loss or Gain - 11
So even our Heart must to be guided and this will not take place unless we believe first.
The conclusion is that those who think we have to know by learning and asking and analyzing in order to believe in Re-incarnation are wrong, according to the Teachings of the Holy Qur'an! This tells us we have to believe first and have faith , in order to be guided and to know.
Of course, we have the right to ask questions after having faith in a belief. Firstly, because in such a condition we are in the right way to understand Knowledge. Secondly , which is more important , we will get at least some significant answers and understand them by mere faith in a belief.
This is actually not that surprising because those who are asking many questions about the idea of Re-incarnation, has never done the SAME about the concept of Resurrection. They just believed in it ! This is a clear double-standard position which is UN-Islamic. However, this is about the "Trust" which always comes first.
So even our Heart must to be guided and this will not take place unless we believe first.
The conclusion is that those who think we have to know by learning and asking and analyzing in order to believe in Re-incarnation are wrong, according to the Teachings of the Holy Qur'an! This tells us we have to believe first and have faith , in order to be guided and to know.
Of course, we have the right to ask questions after having faith in a belief. Firstly, because in such a condition we are in the right way to understand Knowledge. Secondly , which is more important , we will get at least some significant answers and understand them by mere faith in a belief.
This is actually not that surprising because those who are asking many questions about the idea of Re-incarnation, has never done the SAME about the concept of Resurrection. They just believed in it ! This is a clear double-standard position which is UN-Islamic. However, this is about the "Trust" which always comes first.
So instead of asking too much questions and rejecting blindly we should follow the beautiful teaching of the Qur'an which is: Listen and Think .
ولا تکونوا کالذین قالوا سمعنا و هم لایسمعون ان شر الدواب عندالله الصم البکم الذین لایعقلون
20, 21- الانفال
Don't be like those who said; "We have listened ! But they are not listening. Indeed, in the sight of Allah, the worst of all creatures are those deaf and dumb who don't think wisely.
The Spoils of War - 20 to 21
Think about this !