بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحیم
وَ قَالَ الرَّسُولُ يَا رَبِّ إِنَّ قَوْمِي اتَّخَذُوا هَـٰذَا الْقُرْآنَ مَهْجُورًا
الفرقان - 30
And the Messenger said; O, Lord ! Indeed my people have abandoned this Qur'an.
The Criterion - 30
Maybe the strongest reason that most of our fellow Muslims reject the concept of Re-incarnation is the claim that the belief of " Re-birth " is not mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. And, because we Muslims must learn the teachings of the Qur'an and follow only what it says, thus it justifies that there is no reason to believe in an idea which is not part of the teachings of the Qur'an. In other words, why should we say something which the Holy Qur'an has never said?
Besides, the Holy Qur'an has come with a belief which is an alternative to the idea of Re-incarnation; i.e. the Resurrection.
This kind of rationalization is due to their unconsciousness about what kind of a book is the Qur'an .
The second part of this discussion will thus address this important issue.
Maybe the strongest reason that most of our fellow Muslims reject the concept of Re-incarnation is the claim that the belief of " Re-birth " is not mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. And, because we Muslims must learn the teachings of the Qur'an and follow only what it says, thus it justifies that there is no reason to believe in an idea which is not part of the teachings of the Qur'an. In other words, why should we say something which the Holy Qur'an has never said?
Besides, the Holy Qur'an has come with a belief which is an alternative to the idea of Re-incarnation; i.e. the Resurrection.
This kind of rationalization is due to their unconsciousness about what kind of a book is the Qur'an .
The second part of this discussion will thus address this important issue.
Let us begin with a contradiction in the statements given above. If the Qur'an didn't mention "Re-birth" at all, and we must only follow the teachings of the Qur'an , then how can we reject something which is not mentioned as they claim?! Is the rejection of Re-birth part of the teachings of the Qur'an?
the way , where did such a rule or principle come from? Is such an
attitude an Islamic one? Is this also part of the teachings of the
Qur'an or the Pure Tradition of Muhammad?
Why should we follow a rule, principle or an attitude which is neither mentioned in the Qur'an nor in the Pure Tradition of the Prophet ?!
Shouldn't we believe and follow only those statements which are mentioned, according to their own words?!
Thus, the characteristic of a wrong - understanding is nothing but one of contradictions.
Why should we follow a rule, principle or an attitude which is neither mentioned in the Qur'an nor in the Pure Tradition of the Prophet ?!
Shouldn't we believe and follow only those statements which are mentioned, according to their own words?!
Thus, the characteristic of a wrong - understanding is nothing but one of contradictions.
Besides, this is actually opposite to the teachings of the Qur'an. Listen;
و لقد ارسلنا رسلا من قبلک منهم من قصصنا علیک و منهم من لم نقصص علیک و ما کان لرسول ان یاتی بایه الا باذن الله
غافر - 78
Does this mean that we should not believe in those Messengers because the Qur'an didn't mention the stories of them ?! Is this a legitimate reason to reject those Messengers , just because we didn't learn to know them in the Qur'an ?
Isn't it part of the Unknown World which the Qur'an repeatedly commands us to believe in as the criteria for our pure faith ?
indeed We have sent Messengers before you. Some of them we have
mentioned to you and the others we haven't mentioned to you. And a
Messenger will not bring an information (sign) without the permission of
The Forgiver/The Believer - 78
The Forgiver/The Believer - 78
Does this mean that we should not believe in those Messengers because the Qur'an didn't mention the stories of them ?! Is this a legitimate reason to reject those Messengers , just because we didn't learn to know them in the Qur'an ?
Isn't it part of the Unknown World which the Qur'an repeatedly commands us to believe in as the criteria for our pure faith ?
تلک من انباء الغیب نوحیها الیک ما کنت تعلمها انت و لا قومک من قبل هذا فاصبر ان العاقبه للمتقین
هود - 49
This is one excerpt of information from the Unknown World by Revelation. Neither you nor your people did know about it before. So be patient. Surely the Future belongs to those who hold on to the spiritual self-discipline firmly.
Hood - 49
That means there were other people who already knew about other divine masters, teachings and Realities.
ذلک الکتاب لا ریب فیه هدی للمتقین الذین یومنون بالغیب
البقره - 2 , 3
This the Book within is undoubtedly a Guidance to those who hold on to spiritual self-discipline. These are people who believe in the Unknown World.
The Caw - 2 to 3
The Caw - 2 to 3
to this verse, the people of Muttaqin are those who hold on to
Spiritual Self-Discipline at the highest level of spiritual development.
Because, they believe and have faith in the Unknown World.
Thus, by not being mentioned specifically, in detail or extensively in
the Qur'an, this does not imply that some of those unknown realities
do not, in fact, exist.
Or, they might say, if Allah mentioned Re-incarnation in His other Books, then He would also mention it in the Qur'an. But neither do they believe in those other books, or at least, the concept of Re-incarnation in them. If they would do so, then they would change their understanding of the relevant verses in the Qur'an. However they reject all of them.
Or, they might say, if Allah mentioned Re-incarnation in His other Books, then He would also mention it in the Qur'an. But neither do they believe in those other books, or at least, the concept of Re-incarnation in them. If they would do so, then they would change their understanding of the relevant verses in the Qur'an. However they reject all of them.
جاءهم الحق من عندنا قالوا لولا اوتی مثل ما اوتی موسی اولم یکفروا بما
اوتی موسی من قبل قالوا سحران تظاهرا و قالوا انا بکل کافرون
القصص - 48
القصص - 48
from Us the Truth came to them , they said;" How come it didn't bring
to us those teachings like it is brought to Moses"? But, didn't they,
the disbelievers, even reject previously what was brought to Moses?!
And they said; " These are black magicians (ie. Moses &
Muhammad) which support each other, and we are rejecting ALL of them".
The Stories - 48
The Stories - 48
This verse show that even if some ideas are not mentioned in the Qur'an, it doesn't mean that we should not believe in them. So it is, not only possible for the true Muslims to believe in those things which are not mentioned in the Qur'an, but in many cases we must believe in them as true believers.
Thus, the idea that says; " because Re-incarnation is not mentioned in the Qur'an, therefore, it is a false idea ", is itself a false idea!
The Right Way of Reading
do they know that the belief of Re-birth isn't mentioned in the
Qur'an? For some other Muslims from the early history of Islam, the
belief of Re-incarnation was mentioned in the Qur'an.
That means even the very claiming that the belief of Re-birth doesn't exist in the Qur'an, depends on whether you are a believer or a dis-believer.
So, it is about how to read the Qur'an;
الذین ءاتیناهم الکتاب یتلونه حق تلاوه
البقره - 121
Those who have been given the Book, will read it in a right way.
The Caw - 121
As I showed in part 1, according to the teachings of the Qur'an, once we have faith in a belief, we will be guided to the right path. Once we believe in Re-incarnation, then we will be guided to read the Qur'an in the right way which guides us to the clear and repeated mentioning of Re-incarnation in the Qur'an.
However, the most important thing is, we don't know the Language of the Qur'an. We usually consider this Book of Allah as an Arabic text and we read it with a common human language. Because this is our secondary nature, which we inherited and learned. So we read the Qur'an with wrong language.
That's why - at least - most people don't understand the Qur'an. For example, the brave ayatollah Khomeini said;
" my life is ending but I have never understood the Qur'an ".
He's right, but WHY ? Because we never can understand a book by wrong-reading which is due to wrong-language.
The Caw - 121
As I showed in part 1, according to the teachings of the Qur'an, once we have faith in a belief, we will be guided to the right path. Once we believe in Re-incarnation, then we will be guided to read the Qur'an in the right way which guides us to the clear and repeated mentioning of Re-incarnation in the Qur'an.
However, the most important thing is, we don't know the Language of the Qur'an. We usually consider this Book of Allah as an Arabic text and we read it with a common human language. Because this is our secondary nature, which we inherited and learned. So we read the Qur'an with wrong language.
That's why - at least - most people don't understand the Qur'an. For example, the brave ayatollah Khomeini said;
" my life is ending but I have never understood the Qur'an ".
He's right, but WHY ? Because we never can understand a book by wrong-reading which is due to wrong-language.
Also, how can Resurrection be an alternative belief to the idea of Re-incarnation , without rejecting it clearly ? For it might be understood that there are two different alternative ways of the Qur'anic concept of Returning (Ma'ad معاد) in Islam. This is actually the reasonable outcome.
So, it's not enough to consider a new idea like Resurrection. It is also necessary that a clear rejection of Re-incarnation be mentioned in the Qur'an.
That's why according to a traditional Islamic principle;
" If a belief or idea is not rejected clearly , by the Qur'an , then one is allowed to believe in that belief or idea".
" If a belief or idea is not rejected clearly , by the Qur'an , then one is allowed to believe in that belief or idea".
main problem which I mentioned earlier is , most of us Muslims either
didn't understand what kind of the book is the Qur'an or have forgotten
it. Then, let's clarify this crucial issue right here;
The Unique Status of the Qur'an
The Qur'an itself describes its attributes, in order to teach us what kind of a book it is. I have chosen here those most important description of the Qur'an by itself;
The Qur'an itself describes its attributes, in order to teach us what kind of a book it is. I have chosen here those most important description of the Qur'an by itself;
1. The Best and Most convincing way of Guidance.
ان هذا القران یهدی الذی هی اقوم
الاسراء - 9
Surely this Qur'an will guide you in a manner which is the best and Most convincing.
The Mystical Journey in the Night - 9
The Mystical Journey in the Night - 9
2- The " Doubt Removing " Guidance
ذلک الکتاب لاریب فیه هدی للمتقین
البقره - 2
There is no doubt that this Book is the Guidance for those who hold on to Spiritual Self-discipline.
The Caw - 2
The Caw - 2
3- Criterion for the Truth.
الله الذی انزل الکتاب بالحق و المیزان
الشوری - 17
Allah is Who has sent The Book of Truth and Criteria.
The Consultations - 17
4- Distinguishing the Truth from the Untruth.
5- Warning the whole mankind of Falsehood and Untruth.
تبارک الذی نزل الفرقان علی عبده لیکون للعالمین نذیرا
الفرقان - 1
The Glory is to Him Who has sent the Criteria to His servant (Muhammad) as a warning to the worlds.
The Criterion - 1
6- Fair or Just Judgement
انا انزلنا الیک الکتاب بالحق لتحکم
النساء - 105
We have sent down to you, based on the Truth, for Judgement.
The Women - 105
Which means it must bring up and mention any issue which might be necessary to guide and help the whole of mankind.
و لقد صرفنا للناس فی هذا القران من کل مثل
الاسراء - 89
And We have brought up and explained in this Qur'an issues of every subject.
The Mystical Journey in the Night- 89
8- Enlightenment of everything
و نزلنا علیک الکتاب تبیانا لکل شئی و هدی
النحل - 89
And We have sent to you a Book which explains and enlightens EVERYTHING in order to guide you.
The Bee - 89
9-Unchangable words
و تمت کلمت ربک صدقا وعدلا لامبدل لکلمته
الانعام - 115
And the Words of your Lord are completed as a true promise. And they are unchangeable.
The Blessings - 115
10- Non difficulty and Non confusion; it should not cause any difficulty or confusion in searching and understanding the truths.
The Blessings - 115
10- Non difficulty and Non confusion; it should not cause any difficulty or confusion in searching and understanding the truths.
11- Purifying; it should not only liberate us from any doubt, but even cleanse us from any impurity which we probably have in our minds.
We can find these two attributes in the verse below
We can find these two attributes in the verse below
ما یرید الله لیجعل علیکم من حرج و لکن یرید لیطهرکم و لیتم نعمته علیکم لعلکم تشکرون
المائده - 6
Allah doesn't want to cause you troubles and difficulties. However, He wants to purify you. That's why He has completed His blessings in order for you to become grateful.
The Table spread with foods - 6
Unfortunately, we have forgotten this Unique Status of the Qur'an. This Age is The Time of Returning to the Qur'an and its Unique Status.
If we acknowledge the status of the Qur'an as Criteria (المیزان), which distinguishes (الفرقان) the Truth from Untruth, in order to guide the whole humanity in the best and most
convincing way, without any doubt, confusion or difficulties, then
the Qur'an should not only mention a false belief like Re-incarnation,
but also reject it in the best and most clear way without needing any
interpretation at all.
Otherwise, it would be opposite to the all beautiful attributes of the Qur'an. In such a case, the Qur'an is not a legitimate authority for being a Guide Book for us all, and we have to turn to other books!
Also, the Qur'an describes itself as The Best Guidance Book for the whole mankind. Amongst them, millions of Hindus and Buddhists.
If the Qur'an didn't mention the concept of Re-incarnation at all and, more important, never rejected it openly, firmly and clearly, the responsibility of a false belief for millions of people would be on the Qur'an!
This is the reasonable outcome of such a Book which describes itself as Fair Judgement for the whole of humanity. The verse below explains the reason of sending the Qur'an in another way;
الله ابتغی حکما و هو الذی انزل الیکم الکتاب مفصلا و الذین اتیناهم
الکتاب یعلمون انه منزل من ربک بالحق فلاتکونن من الممترین و تمت کلمت ربک
صدقا وعدلا لامبدل لکلمته و هو السمیع العلیم
الانعام - 115
Do you seek other than - the words of - Allah (in the Qur'an) for judgement?! Despite He is Who has sent down to you all, a Comprehensive Book. And those to whom We gave the books, they know that this Book is sent down from your Lord, based on the Truth, in a way in which you will be without doubt. Thus, the words of your Lord have been completed as He truely promised. These words are unchangeable and He Hears and Knows best.
The Blessings - 115
Another attribute of the Qur'an is to ward off any kind of accusation, i.e including the concept of re-incarnation.
The Hindus and Buddhists would say;
If you are right that Re-incarnation is a false belief, please bring YOUR Divine Book which guides us better, in this issue, than OUR books .
The Stories - 28
Or, Hindus and Buddhists would come with an argument and excuse that if we had yet another good guide book like your Holy book (the Qur'an), then we could be guided by it in the right way as well;
And He has sent this Book as a blessing. Then follow this and hold on to spiritual self-discipline in order to be blessed by His Grace. Otherwise you would come with an excuse and say; "if a Book would be sent to us, then we would be the best guided people among them!"
However, indeed Enlightenment, Guidance and Grace from your Lord has already come to you! Who is the most unjust than the one who denies the Signs of Allah and turns away from them?
The Blessings - 155 to 157
Do you seek other than - the words of - Allah (in the Qur'an) for judgement?! Despite He is Who has sent down to you all, a Comprehensive Book. And those to whom We gave the books, they know that this Book is sent down from your Lord, based on the Truth, in a way in which you will be without doubt. Thus, the words of your Lord have been completed as He truely promised. These words are unchangeable and He Hears and Knows best.
The Blessings - 115
Another attribute of the Qur'an is to ward off any kind of accusation, i.e including the concept of re-incarnation.
The Hindus and Buddhists would say;
If you are right that Re-incarnation is a false belief, please bring YOUR Divine Book which guides us better, in this issue, than OUR books .
قل فاتوا بکتاب من عند الله هو اهدی منها اتبعه ان کنتم صادقین
القصص - 28
Speak! if you are honest, then bring us another book of Allah which guides us better than the others!The Stories - 28
Or, Hindus and Buddhists would come with an argument and excuse that if we had yet another good guide book like your Holy book (the Qur'an), then we could be guided by it in the right way as well;
و هذا کتاب انزلناه مبارک فاتبعوه و اتقوا لعلکم ترحمون ان تقولوا انما انزل الکتاب علی طائفتین من قبلنا و ان کنا عن دراسهم لغافلین او تقولوا لو انا انزل علینا الکتاب لکنا اهدی منهم فقد جائکم بینه من ربکم و هدی و رحمه فمن اظلم ممن کذب بآیات الله و صدف عنها
الانعام - 155 الی 157
And He has sent this Book as a blessing. Then follow this and hold on to spiritual self-discipline in order to be blessed by His Grace. Otherwise you would come with an excuse and say; "if a Book would be sent to us, then we would be the best guided people among them!"
However, indeed Enlightenment, Guidance and Grace from your Lord has already come to you! Who is the most unjust than the one who denies the Signs of Allah and turns away from them?
The Blessings - 155 to 157
However, the Qur’an would make Hindus and Buddhists disappointed. Because it has neither mentioned the concept of Re-incarnation nor rejected it as a false belief. Despite it would be a Comprehensive and the Ultimate Book of God!
In fact, those of my fellow Muslims, are lowering the status of the Qur'an to the lowest standard of a man-made book without noticing it! However, not even a man-made book can responsibly guide people, in a proper and right way, by merely choosing not to address a false idea or belief and disregard it without due consideration.Millions of Hindus and Buddhists would tell us;
Re-incarnation is neither rejected in OUR divine books nor in YOUR divine book. Then for Gods sake how should we know and be guided; that this is a false belief in the sight of God ?!
Ironically, this means that their books of those who reject Re-incarnation as a false belief would guide humanity better to the Truth than all Books of Allah!!
فویل للذین یکتبون الکتاب بایدیهم ثم یقولون هذا من عند الله لیشتروا به ثمنا قلیلا
البقره - 79
البقره - 79
is a serious responsibility of those who are writing their OWN books
and then say ; "this is from Allah"! In this way, they are lowering
the value of His words and sell them cheaply.
The Caw - 79
Qur'an is the final guide book for all humanity, it must clearly
state and literally reject the idea or belief in Re-incarnation or
Re-birth in the Qur'an, in order to even guide Hindus and Buddhists,
and purify them from false notions.The Caw - 79
The rejected subject, in the Qur'an, must be in direct words and clarifying language without any doubt. In other words, without needing any human interpretation of the Qur'an.
The difference between these two points of view;
.There is no mention of an idea or a belief in the Qur'an.
.There is no rejection or denial of it in the Qur'an.
is; the first statement doesn't imply that the concept of a belief is wrong, whilst the latter, means that the concept has been mentioned and rejected as a wrong or false belief.
That's why it is a crucial principle that the Qur'an is the world's most reliable Divine Book which is supposed to guide the whole mankind from Darkness to Light would mention the wrong belief clearly and reject it decisively.
Answer to a question
Does it mean that the Qur'an as Criteria (المیزان), which Distinguishes (الفرقان) the Truth from Untruth, would bring up ALL the ideas of Mankind in order to discuss and finally judge them?!
The answer is; of course not! The Qur'an may have brought up few minor false ideas which were relevant and current in its own environment of advent. However, it doesn't mean that the Qur'an would bring up all minor and major issues and ideas in the world.
The Qur'an has brought up and mentioned all those basic elements , subjects and also those controversial topics which are crucial for the spiritual life of human beings, higher consciousness and Unity (Tawhid).
That's why the Qur'an says;
That's why the Qur'an says;
و لقد صرفنا للناس فی هذا القران من کل مثل
الاسراء - 89
And We have brought up and explained in this Qur'an issues of every subject.
The Mystical Journey in the Night- 89
That means the Qur'an has selected issues
from every subject which was necessary to mention for clarifying.
Otherwise the Qur'an would express it in an other way like; ( فی هذا القران کل مثل ) without « من » !
New minor ideas regardless of their truth or falsity are still coming and going! The very " idea " that the Qur'an would bring up exactly every single idea of Mankind, itself is a false idea!
ideas of Karma and Re-incarnation are old and ancient religious or
spirituality ideas which generally have always been the basic and among
the most important faiths in the history of Mankind. Millions or billions of humanity on the earth have always believed in them.
to most Muslim historians and Islamic thinkers and researchers, the
belief in Re-incarnation, even was widespread in the society of the
prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
should not forget that Middle East, Iran and India were the three
neighboring Lands of Divinity and the main area of Divine Teachings on
the earth for the whole of Mankind.
Despite this reality, no divine book has ever reject this belief, at least, literally and without any doubt!
That's why the Ultimate Divine Book of Qur'an would deal with this issue in order to clarify it once and forever.
Halal and Haram beliefs
Allah has described in the Qur'an, what is Halal (Allowed) and what is Haram (Forbidden). Nobody is allowed to change it;
و یحل لهم الطیبات و یحرم الخبائث
الاعراف - 157
And he allows you all Those Pure Things and forbids all Those Impure.
Those Known - 157
Everything which is Pure and Beautiful, is Halal (Allowed) and everything which is Impure and Ugly, is Haram (Forbidden). This includes the beliefs and faiths. This is the Universal Principle of the Qur'an.
One of them is to forbid the Returning of dead people, back to the life of this earthly world;
و حرام علی قریه اهلکنا انهم لا یرجعون
الانبیاء - 95
And it is forbidden to those who We are destroyed (as a punishment of Allah), to return.
The Prophets - 95
The use of the word Haram, means it is against Divine Laws which are expressed in the form of the Laws of Nature, as His Kingdom. (By Nature it means both the material and immaterial and spiritual worlds).
Based on that Divine Principle and the Laws of Nature, other verses clearly reject the Returning of dead people, back to life. Plus, the Qur'an explains the reason for this, and even considers the alternative destiny of dead people.
حتی اذا جاء احدهم الموت قال رب ارجعون لعلی اعمل صالحا فیما ترک کلا انها کلمه هو قائلها و من ورائهم برزخ الی یوم یبعثون
المومنون - 99 , 100
the time of death arrived, he said;"O, Lord send me back in order to
do those good actions which I ignored". No! Absolutely not! This is
only what YOU believe. And before them, there is the Hinder, the Intermediate World, until they will be raised up.
The believers - 99 to 100
Besides these two verses are supported and even completed by other verses. However, if we find a verse which in our view seems to contradict them, for instance, as an exception, then we have to immediately return to the Qur'anic Principles to confirm it. Provided that we have reviewed all the Qur'anic Principles very carefully and tested them in a proper way, then we can come to a conclusion. This is the only way to get any confirmation and discover a new reality in the Qur'an. All other means are invalid and Unacceptable.
(Many believes, the mentioned verses above should be considered as a clear rejection of the belief of Re-incarnation by considering the idea of Resurrection in the Qur'an. However, I will prove the opposite in the near future and show that these verses are actually among the strongest verses which support the concept of Re-incarnation and reject the belief of Resurrection!)
So nobody can make something Halal or Haram which Allah has never made reference to in His Guidance Book:
و لاتقولوا لما تصف السنتکم الکذب هذا حلال و هذا حرام لتفتروا علی الله الکذب
النحل - 116
explain by your language lies like; "this is Allowed and that is
Forbidden". In order to put a lie on (create a lie about) Allah.
The Bee - 116
The Bee - 116
The Red Line of the Qur'an
There is a significant difference to distinguish Haram and Halal. According to an important principle, the Haram, must have been expressed clearly and firmly. Otherwise it considered to be Halal. According to the Islamic Principle, based on the Qur'an, this is because;
" Everything (including belief and faith) is Halal (Allowed) unless it is clearly and literally proclaimed as Haram (Forbidden)."
This means we have to access a very strong and reliable means for rejecting a belief and faith. In the lack of such Qur'anic evidence we have to act according to another principle which says;
This means we have to access a very strong and reliable means for rejecting a belief and faith. In the lack of such Qur'anic evidence we have to act according to another principle which says;
" In the worse cases we have to be silent and strictly avoid any rejection and denial. And pray to be guided by Allah! "
according this principle, rejection or denial, is a very sensitive
and important decision and it demands a sufficiently high enough
qualifications to do so. We have to be very careful because it 's about
the freedom of human rights which is one of the basic blessing of
Allah to humanity.
Plus, it would be a very high risk to reject and deny the Truth and fall down to the Kufr (الکفر) or Disbelief which is Anti-Islamic. But, also leads other people into the Hell of Ignorance.
Plus, it would be a very high risk to reject and deny the Truth and fall down to the Kufr (الکفر) or Disbelief which is Anti-Islamic. But, also leads other people into the Hell of Ignorance.
That's why Rejection and Denial is The Red Line in the Qur'an and Islam.
However, somebody may say that any new belief (for instance, Resurrection) in the Qur'an which is obviously in conflict with another belief (Re-incarnation), is enough to be judged as a rejection and denial of such a belief like re-incarnation by the Qur'an.
However, somebody may say that any new belief (for instance, Resurrection) in the Qur'an which is obviously in conflict with another belief (Re-incarnation), is enough to be judged as a rejection and denial of such a belief like re-incarnation by the Qur'an.
This might be true, in some cases, regarding man-made books. But absolutely not in the case of the Qur'an, because of its Unique Status as The Ultimate Judgement.
That means even the new belief must distinguish literally and clearly between the Truth and Untruth without any need of interpretation. Such a new belief should have sounded like:
O mankind you will live on the Earth only once !
Plus, it should not be in conflict and contradiction with other verses and beliefs in the Qur'an.
Simply, the belief of some early Islamic branches in Re-birth is an example of, at least, its ambiguity.
Denial of Re-birth in Divine Books
can it be explained why not even the Final and Ultimate Messenger,
Muhammad, rejected and denied directly the belief of the Re-birth once
and forever?! Despite the belief that Re-birth was a worldwide one in
the time of Muhammad, even in Arabia, according to some Muslim
enough, not even other Divine Books of the Middle East, i.e the Torah
or Bible, rejected and denied the re-birth of human beings either!
Why's that?! How can we explain it in a satisfying way? How can we
reject and deny a belief which none of them have ever done it before?!
On the other hand, religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism and their Divinely Revealed Books teach the belief of the Re-birth.
Now, putting all those divine religions together will only lead to one outcome; at least, the genuine possibility of Re-incarnation!
Because, the concept of Re-incarnation had first been heard and received in India. Then after that, three other Divine Books received in the Middle East never questioned and refused that voice !
Today, at least one third of population on the earth believe in Re-birth as part of their religious belief. But there has never has been a clear Divine Guidance to help these oceans of peoples by telling them you're wrong! There is no Re-birth!
You may say that the faiths of Hinduism and Buddhism were originally from Allah, however by the time passed, parts of their Holy books have got corrupted by Man.
This is up to you to prove it scientifically. But above all, by bringing undoubtedly evidence from the Ultimate Judgement Book i.e. the Holy Qur'an.
If Re-birth was an idea of the corrupted part of Hinduism and Buddhism according to you, then that would be a controversial topic within them in, at least, many centuries. How come, in thousands years, not even one single believer of millions of Hindus and Buddhists, ever questioned the idea of Re-incarnation as a true divine belief ?! This is just impossible.
Controversial topics have always taken place in the history of Islam. One the hottest debates has actually been whether to believe in Resurrection or Re-incarnation. The Muslim theologians and philosophers were divided in this issue.
By the way, as the religion of Moses had been corrupted, God sent Isa (Jesus) and when even the religion of Isa had met the same destiny, God sent Muhammad. Similarly if the concept of Re-incarnation shows that, even the religions of India have been corrupted, then it is on Allah to send new books to guide the followers of those religions. This is a reasonable demand.
On the other hand, religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism and their Divinely Revealed Books teach the belief of the Re-birth.
Now, putting all those divine religions together will only lead to one outcome; at least, the genuine possibility of Re-incarnation!
Because, the concept of Re-incarnation had first been heard and received in India. Then after that, three other Divine Books received in the Middle East never questioned and refused that voice !
Today, at least one third of population on the earth believe in Re-birth as part of their religious belief. But there has never has been a clear Divine Guidance to help these oceans of peoples by telling them you're wrong! There is no Re-birth!
Muslim Racism?
You may say that the faiths of Hinduism and Buddhism were originally from Allah, however by the time passed, parts of their Holy books have got corrupted by Man.
This is up to you to prove it scientifically. But above all, by bringing undoubtedly evidence from the Ultimate Judgement Book i.e. the Holy Qur'an.
If Re-birth was an idea of the corrupted part of Hinduism and Buddhism according to you, then that would be a controversial topic within them in, at least, many centuries. How come, in thousands years, not even one single believer of millions of Hindus and Buddhists, ever questioned the idea of Re-incarnation as a true divine belief ?! This is just impossible.
Controversial topics have always taken place in the history of Islam. One the hottest debates has actually been whether to believe in Resurrection or Re-incarnation. The Muslim theologians and philosophers were divided in this issue.
Now, how come WE Muslims who are outside the faiths of Hinduism and Buddhism, know better about something of these faiths which nobody of their own theologians and philosophers would ever know, just because they are Hindus and Buddhists? Doesn't sound it as a kind of racial attitude?!
انما المومنون اخوه فاصلحوا بین اخوانکم و اتقوالله لعلکم ترحمون یا ایها الذین آمنوا لایسخر قوم من قوم عسی ان یکون خیرا منهم
الحجرات - 11
believers are brothers and sisters. So you have to make peace between
yourselves and hold on to divinely spiritual self-discipline in order
to be blessed by Allah.
O, you believers of all peoples, don't humiliate each other to show some of you are better than the others.
The Dwellings - 11
By the way, as the religion of Moses had been corrupted, God sent Isa (Jesus) and when even the religion of Isa had met the same destiny, God sent Muhammad. Similarly if the concept of Re-incarnation shows that, even the religions of India have been corrupted, then it is on Allah to send new books to guide the followers of those religions. This is a reasonable demand.
that the Qur'an emphasizes that the Messages of Allah would be sent
to every people by means of their own people, language and culture
and even their time;
لقد من الله علی المومنین اذ بعث فیهم رسولا من انفسهم یتلوا علیهم آیاته و یزکیهم و یعلمهم الکتاب و الحکمه
آل عمران - 164
Notice that the word « امّه » in the Qur'an means both " Society " and " Time ";
Hood - 8
و ما ارسلنا من رسول الا بلسان قومه لیبین لهم
it was a great blessing of Allah to the all believers that He has
chosen Messengers from themselves in order to read for them His verses
and purify them and teach them the Book and Wisdom.
The Family of Imran - 164
و لقد بعثنا من کل امه رسولا
النحل - 36
And surely We have sent a Messenger to EVERY society in ALL times.
The Bee - 36
Notice that the word « امّه » in the Qur'an means both " Society " and " Time ";
و لئن اخرنا عنهم العذاب الی امه معدوده
هود - 8
And if We defer their suffering for a period of time...
Hood - 8
و ما ارسلنا من رسول الا بلسان قومه لیبین لهم
ابراهیم - 4
And We have never sent a Messenger but, with the language of his own people in order to enlighten them.
Abraham - 4
Re-birth; Invention or Revelation?
Luckily and thanks to Allah, the vast majority of Muslims consider Hinduism and Buddhism and their Holy books, at least originally, as divinely, based on the Qur'an which reveals that Allah has sent Masters , Messengers and Books in every culture and civilization. This Qur'anic fact is well known by all Muslims.
However, there may be some Muslims who question whether Hinduism and Buddhism, and their Holy books, are also from Allah's Grace and Guidance.
It is up to these Muslims to prove it, only based on the Qur'an as Criteria (المیزان) which Distinguishes (الفرقان) the Truth from the Untruth, i.e the Ultimate Judgement.
As long as they cannot do it, according only to the Principles of Islam, they should consider Hinduism and Buddhism and their Holy books, as the Holy Guidance from Allah.
Re-birth as a man-made idea?!
But is it possible to Man, to create an idea such as Re-birth ?! How? This is scientifically impossible. Simply because it belongs to The Unknown World : عالم الغیب
It is not the ordinary people who manufactured the idea of Re-birth. It is, however, the ordinary people who may deny it!
How can ordinary people make an idea like Re-birth easily, but it is difficult for Allah and His Messengers to reject that idea directly and clearly ?!
In fact, it would be impossible to come to such an idea like Re-birth without Divine Revelation.
scientists or atheists amongst you might disagree. But, the final
conclusion to this discussion, is that we may not be able to prove or
disprove Re-incarnation scientifically, but if we reject it, we deny our
own possibility for Divine Revelation and Enlightenment on the Truth!
However, it is necessary for us Muslims to review the Qur'an on this issue with an open mind to allow Allah to reveal to us directly and personally more light and insight on this topic.
Think about this !
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